How can I contact IRCTC for Refund?

How can I contact IRCTC for Refund? To contact IRCTC for refund-related queries, you have several options. Here’s how you can reach out to them:

How can I contact IRCTC for Refund?

Contacting IRCTC for Refund Queries

IRCTC Customer Care Helpline

    • Phone Number: You can call IRCTC customer care at 139. This is a general helpline where you can inquire about refund issues and other concerns.
    • Language Support: Assistance is available in multiple languages, including Hindi and English.

    Email Support

      • Email Address: For refund-related queries, you can email IRCTC at Include your ticket details, transaction ID, and a description of your issue in the email.

      Online Complaint System

        • IRCTC Website:
          • Log in to your account on the IRCTC website.
          • Navigate to the ‘Help’ or ‘Contact Us’ section.
          • Use the online complaint form to submit your refund query. Provide all relevant details, such as your PNR number, transaction ID, and contact information.

        Social Media Support

          • Twitter: You can tweet your concerns to the official IRCTC Twitter handle @IRCTCofficial for quick responses.
          • Facebook: IRCTC also maintains a presence on Facebook where you can message them regarding your issues.

          Visit the Nearest Railway Station

            • For counter tickets or urgent inquiries, visiting the nearest railway station and speaking with the station master or ticket counter staff might be necessary.

            Tips for Effective Communication

            • Gather All Relevant Information: Before contacting IRCTC, ensure you have your ticket details, PNR number, transaction ID, and any other relevant information handy.
            • Be Clear and Concise: Clearly explain your issue, including what steps you have already taken and any responses you have received.
            • Follow Up: If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time, follow up with another call or email.

            By using these methods, you should be able to get assistance with your refund-related queries from IRCTC.

            How much amount will be refunded in IRCTC?

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