How many 2AC Coaches are in Train?

How many 2AC Coaches are in Train? The number of 2AC (Second AC) coaches in a train can vary significantly based on the train service, its route, and the demand for different classes of travel. Here’s a general overview:

How many 2AC Coaches are in Train?

Factors Affecting the Number of 2AC Coaches

Train Type:

    • Premium Trains: Trains like Rajdhani Express, Shatabdi Express, and Duronto Express typically have more 2AC coaches due to their premium services and longer routes.
    • Regular Express and Mail Trains: These trains might have fewer 2AC coaches compared to premium trains.

    Route and Demand:

      • Popular Routes: Trains running on busy and long-distance routes might have more 2AC coaches to cater to the higher demand.
      • Less Popular Routes: Trains on less popular routes or shorter distances might have fewer or no 2AC coaches.

      Train Composition:

        • Standard Configuration: A typical Indian Railways train might have 1 to 3 2AC coaches.
        • Special Trains: Special trains or those with a high number of reserved seats might have more 2AC coaches.

        Example Configurations

        Rajdhani Express:

          • Usually has 3 to 5 2AC coaches due to the high demand for premium services.

          Duronto Express:

            • Similar to Rajdhani, it often has 3 to 5 2AC coaches.

            Regular Express Trains:

              • Generally have 1 to 3 2AC coaches depending on the route and demand.

              Special and Holiday Trains:

                • These might have additional 2AC coaches during peak travel seasons or holidays.

                Checking the Number of 2AC Coaches

                To find the exact number of 2AC coaches in a specific train:

                1. IRCTC Website/App: The Indian Railways website or app provides detailed information on train composition.
                2. Railway Enquiry: Websites like Trainman or Indian Railways’ NTES provide detailed train compositions.
                3. At the Station: Railway station inquiry counters can provide this information.


                The number of 2AC coaches in a train typically ranges from 1 to 5, depending on the train type, route, and demand. Premium trains like Rajdhani and Duronto Express have more 2AC coaches compared to regular express trains. To get precise information, checking through official sources like the IRCTC website or railway inquiry counters is recommended.

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