How much time IRCTC take to refund money?

The time taken by IRCTC to refund money can vary depending on the type of ticket and the payment method used. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the refund processing times:

How much time IRCTC take to refund money?

E-Tickets (Booked Online)

General Refund Time:

    • For e-tickets, the refund is generally processed within 5-7 working days from the date of cancellation.
    • The refund is credited back to the original payment method used at the time of booking (e.g., credit/debit card, net banking, etc.).

    Factors Affecting Refund Time:

      • Bank Processing Times: Delays may occur due to the processing times of banks or payment gateways.
      • Weekends and Holidays: Refund processing might take longer if your cancellation falls around weekends or public holidays.

      Automatic Refunds for Cancelled Trains:

        • If your train is canceled by Indian Railways, refunds for e-tickets are processed automatically. The same 5-7 working day period typically applies.

        Counter Tickets (Booked at Railway Stations)

        Immediate Refund:

          • For counter tickets, if you cancel the ticket directly at the railway station, you might receive an immediate refund in cash, depending on the rules and timing.

          Bank Account Refunds:

            • If the refund needs to be credited to a bank account, it may take a few days, similar to the e-ticket process, depending on your bank’s processing time.

            Special Refund Cases

            TDR Filing:

              • If you have filed a Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) for a refund (e.g., due to a train delay or non-travel), the refund process can take longer, sometimes up to 60-90 days, as it involves verification and approval by Indian Railways.

              Customer Support

              • Check Refund Status: You can check the refund status in the ‘Booked Ticket History’ section on the IRCTC website or app.
              • Contact IRCTC: If you experience delays beyond the expected timeframe, contacting IRCTC customer care can help resolve issues.

              By keeping these timelines in mind, you can better manage your expectations regarding the refund process when dealing with IRCTC.

              How to Check Refund Status in IRCTC?

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