How to book UTS ticket from inside Train?

How to book UTS ticket from inside Train? No, you cannot book UTS ticket from inside train or railway station.

The UTS mobile application operates using a feature known as “Geofencing.” Geofencing creates a virtual boundary around a specific physical location. This boundary encompasses areas such as platforms, railway tracks, and a few meters around the station building.

How to book UTS ticket from inside Train?

Any attempt to book a ticket within this geofenced area is automatically blocked. Therefore, booking a ticket while already on a train is not permitted. This system is in place because of a rule that requires anyone entering railway property or its premises one must have authorization, or they must possess either a valid travel ticket or a platform ticket.

Booking a UTS (Unreserved Ticketing System) ticket while inside the train is not allowed according to Indian Railways’ guidelines. UTS tickets are meant to be booked before boarding the train, typically from a location near the starting station. However, you can book unreserved tickets online using the UTS app before boarding the train or while you are away from the station.

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