How to get Refund from IRCTC if Ticket not Booked?

If the payment was deducted from your account, but the ticket was not booked on IRCTC, you can follow these steps to initiate a refund:

How to get Refund from IRCTC if Ticket not Booked?

Steps to Get a Refund from IRCTC for Unbooked Tickets

Check Booking Status:

    • First, confirm that the ticket was not booked by checking the ‘Booked Ticket History’ section on the IRCTC website or app.

    Automatic Refund Process:

      • Usually, if the ticket is not booked and the payment is deducted, IRCTC automatically initiates a refund. The refund is typically credited back to the original payment method within 3-7 working days.

      Check Transaction History:

        • Go to the ‘Transaction History’ section in your IRCTC account.
        • Look for the transaction details of the unbooked ticket.

        Wait for Refund:

          • In most cases, the refund process starts automatically. Wait for 3-7 working days for the refund to reflect in your bank account or card statement.

          File a Complaint:

            If you do not receive the refund within the expected timeframe, you may need to file a complaint with IRCTC. Here’s how:

            Visit the IRCTC Website:

            Log in to your account on the IRCTC website.

            Navigate to the Help Section:

            Go to the ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Help’ section.

            Select ‘Refund Status’:

            Click on the option to check refund status or file a complaint regarding failed transactions.

            Provide Transaction Details:

            Enter details such as your user ID, transaction ID, and date of transaction.

            Submit the Complaint:

            Submit your complaint, and note the reference number for tracking.

            Contact Customer Care:

              • Call IRCTC customer care at 139 for assistance. Provide your transaction ID and other relevant details to expedite the process.

              Monitor Refund Status:

                • Regularly check your bank statement or transaction history on IRCTC for any updates on the refund status.

                By following these steps, you should be able to resolve issues related to refunds for unbooked tickets on IRCTC.

                How to complain IRCTC for Refund?

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