What is 1A 2A 3A in Train?

What is 1A 2A 3A in Train? Indian Railways offers different classes of travel to cater to various comfort levels and budgets. Here is a detailed explanation of 1A (First AC), 2A (Second AC), and 3A (Third AC) classes:

What is 1A 2A 3A in Train?

Understanding 1A, 2A, and 3A in Indian Railways

First AC (1A)

Berth Configuration2 or 4 berths per cabin (1 lower and 1 upper in coupe; 2 lower and 2 upper in cabin)
PrivacyVery high; cabins with lockable doors for complete privacy
Air ConditioningYes
Bedding ProvidedYes (high-quality sheets, blanket, pillow)
Passenger CapacityTypically 18 to 24 passengers per coach
Reading LightsIndividual reading lights for each berth
Charging PointsAvailable
RestroomsBoth Western and Indian-style toilets, regularly maintained
AttendantsDedicated attendants for personalized service
FareHighest among the AC classes, reflecting luxury and privacy
Comfort LevelHighest comfort level with spacious berths and premium amenities

Second AC (2A)

Berth Configuration4 berths per cabin (2 lower, 2 upper)
PrivacyHigh; each berth has curtains for privacy, and cabins may have sliding doors
Air ConditioningYes
Bedding ProvidedYes (sheets, blanket, pillow)
Passenger CapacityTypically 48 passengers per coach
Reading LightsIndividual reading lights for each berth
Charging PointsAvailable
RestroomsBoth Western and Indian-style toilets, regularly maintained
AttendantsCoach attendants available to assist passengers
FareHigher than 3A but lower than 1A, offering a balance of comfort and cost
Comfort LevelHigh comfort with fewer passengers per cabin and more amenities compared to 3A

Third AC (3A)

Berth Configuration6 berths per section (2 lower, 2 middle, 2 upper)
PrivacyModerate; no curtains or sliding doors
Air ConditioningYes
Bedding ProvidedYes (sheets, blanket, pillow)
Passenger CapacityTypically 64 passengers per coach
Reading LightsIndividual reading lights for each berth
Charging PointsAvailable
RestroomsBoth Western and Indian-style toilets, regularly maintained
AttendantsCoach attendants available to assist passengers
FareLower than 2A, making it a more economical option
Comfort LevelModerate comfort with more passengers per coach and fewer amenities compared to 2A


  • 1A (First AC): Offers the highest level of comfort and privacy with spacious, lockable cabins, premium bedding, and dedicated attendants. The fare is the highest among the AC classes.
  • 2A (Second AC): Provides a high level of comfort with fewer berths per cabin, curtains for privacy, and ample amenities. The fare is higher than 3A but lower than 1A.
  • 3A (Third AC): An economical option with air-conditioned comfort, more berths per section, and less privacy compared to 1A and 2A. The fare is the lowest among the three AC classes.

Choosing the appropriate class depends on your budget and preference for comfort and privacy during travel.

What is 3E Class in Indian Railways Trains?

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