What is NC seat in Train?

What is NC seat in Train? In the context of Indian Railways, “NC” stands for “No Choice.” When you see an NC seat on your train ticket or during the booking process, it indicates that the passenger did not have a preference for a specific seat or berth while making the reservation. Here’s a detailed explanation:

What is NC seat in Train?

Understanding “NC” Seat in Train Reservations

What Does “NC” Mean?

  • No Choice (NC): The term “NC” is used when a passenger does not specify a preference for a particular seat or berth type (e.g, window seat, middle seat, aisle seat) during the booking process. The system automatically assigns an available seat or berth without considering any specific preference.

How “NC” Works in Train Reservations

Booking Process:

    • When booking a train ticket, passengers have the option to select their seat or berth preference. If they do not choose any specific preference, the system marks it as “NC.”

    Automatic Seat Assignment:

      • The reservation system then automatically assigns any available seat or berth to the passenger. This ensures that the passenger gets a confirmed seat, even if it might not be their preferred choice.

      Example Scenario

      • Booking Without Preference:
      • Suppose you are booking a ticket for a train journey and do not specify any preference for a particular berth (like lower, middle, or upper). The system will mark your request as “NC.”
      • Seat Assignment:
      • During the seat allocation process, the reservation system will assign you any available berth based on the availability at the time of booking.

      Benefits of “NC” Option

      • Flexibility:
      • It provides flexibility for passengers who do not have a strong preference for a specific seat or berth.
      • Increased Chances of Confirmation:
      • By not specifying a preference, passengers might have a better chance of getting a confirmed seat, as the system can allocate any available berth.

      Checking and Changing Seat Preferences

      • Post-Booking:
      • After booking a ticket with an “NC” status, passengers can check their assigned seat or berth by looking at their e-ticket or PNR status.
      • If the assigned seat or berth is not suitable, passengers can request a change at the railway station or during the journey, subject to availability.


      “NC” or “No Choice” in train reservations indicates that the passenger did not specify any seat or berth preference during the booking process. The system automatically assigns an available seat or berth to ensure the passenger gets a confirmed seat. This option provides flexibility and can increase the chances of getting a confirmed reservation.

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