What is UTS number in Train Ticket?

What is UTS number in Train Ticket? The UTS (Unreserved Ticketing System) number on a train ticket is a unique identifier assigned to the ticket issued through the UTS app or UTS counters. This number helps in tracking and verifying the ticket.

What is a UTS Number?

1. Definition:

  • The UTS number is a unique identification number assigned to each ticket issued via the Unreserved Ticketing System.
  • It helps in distinguishing and tracking individual tickets.

2. Location on the Ticket:

  • The UTS number is typically printed on the ticket or displayed on the digital ticket in the UTS app.
  • On a digital ticket, it can usually be found at the top of the ticket details screen.

3. Purpose and Significance:

  • Identification: Helps in uniquely identifying a ticket among many.
  • Verification: Used by ticket inspectors to verify the authenticity of the ticket.
  • Tracking: Assists railway authorities in tracking and managing ticket sales and usage.
  • Record Keeping: Facilitates easy record-keeping and retrieval of ticket information.

How to Use the UTS Number

For Passengers:

When you travel, keep your ticket handy, whether it’s a digital ticket on your mobile phone or a printed ticket.

Show the UTS number to the ticket inspector when requested for verification.

For Ticket Inspectors:

Inspectors use the UTS number to check the validity of the ticket against their records.

They may enter the UTS number into a verification system to confirm the ticket’s authenticity.

Importance of UTS Number

  • Fraud Prevention: Helps in preventing ticket fraud and misuse by providing a unique identifier for each ticket.
  • Ease of Management: Simplifies the process of managing and validating unreserved tickets.
  • Customer Support: Assists customer support in resolving ticket-related queries and issues by referencing the UTS number.

By understanding the role and significance of the UTS number, passengers can ensure they have valid and verifiable tickets for their journey.

How to book Train ticket in UTS app?

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